
Welcome to the Haunt Seekers member section. Here, you will find important company forms to read, fill out, and send back to Haunt Seekers Management if you plan to join the team. Also, once you sign up, you will automictically be given a page designated for your company profile to interact with other team members throughout the company. It is very important that you keep all files on hand, as we will check yearly for your compliance.
Also, upon acceptance, each member will be mailed a free ID badge.
This badge serves as Identification with Haunt Seekers, proving
legitimate membership. it helps weed out the people who might Falsey
claim to be a Haunt Seekers Member or representative and show up
to a haunted attraction unannounced with out written permission. All haunted attractions will always be scheduled in advance. No member
has the right to show up to any place of business under Haunt Seekers name, badge or not. This is grounds for immediate termination. Here at Haunt Seekers, we take our business very seriously and expect our members to do the same. Additional rules and regulations will be
provided, which you will need to follow and keep handy.
Lastly, know the difference between the ID badges; there are two kinds here at Haunt Seekers. The Free ID badge is only good for the season of October and is valid for that month only. After October, that badge is no good, and you will need to reapply for a new one for the following year. Next the VIP Badge is good for year-rounds haunts, paranormal investigations, some conventions, but you must always go through Haunt Seekers Management before even considering attending these events with out written approval, This badge is your ticket to a year around haunted experience and is renewed each year at $15.00 via PayPal. please email hautseekers21@gmail.com for more information on payments regarding
this package badge.
Please follow directions signing up to access all company rules and regulations. We hope you all enjoy your experience here at Haunt Seekers.